
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Hurdle that is Delores

Lately my greatest frustration with our lesson time has been Delores. I posted something over at Lisa Nolan's Facebook page about how she has been almost refusing to remember anything I try to teach her with a three period lesson and that she seems to be refusing to pay attention.

The comments I received in response were eye opening, helpful, encouraging and a good reminder of why this is a child led way of life.

We have since then taken a week off for me to more or less observe Delores' interests and abilities.

I feel confident that the next weeks will go a little better. If I can just remember to be patient and accept that if she is giving me a hard time she is just not ready and if she won't pay attention to just put it away.

I have to remember there is a very good reason you do things in a specific order, at a specific time and only one new idea at a time.

Example: I thought it would be a good idea to throw a letter card into our beginning sounds baskets so she could learn to associate the sound with the symbol. Uh wrong. Not only did she not learn the symbol she also started having a hard time recalling the sound. So, we are going back to simple beginning sounds, then move on to the I spy game and then introduce the sandpaper letters.

No skipping steps and always follow the children no matter how stubborn or strong willed she (or he) is.

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