
Friday, June 7, 2013

Changing the tune

Recently I've been faced with the most difficult decision as a homeschooler. Whether or not to continue giving montessori lessons. From previous posts you can tell Delores has lost interest in the lessons and I have been trying to decide if I should stop trying to introduce new activities all together or just take a break for a while. Poor Josh has put up with me talking about this almost everyday for the past week. 

This was an extremely difficult thing for me to consider because for the last 2 years my life has revolved around Montessori homeschooling. This is the only way I know how to teach. How would I give a lesson on something without a tray or a basket? How would I know what to teach without a lesson plan or an outline? The thought of doing anything besides this terrifies me. But then I remembered what other homeschoolers have told me. Children change. Learning styles change, situations change and family dynamics change. What worked for you once before may not be the best thing for you now. While that may still be hard for me to accept it is very true in our situation. 

I had to face the fact that Delores had gotten all she was going to get out of montessori. Then I had to look at what was most important for us. Yes I thought it was super awesome that she could grade colors and identify things blindfolded, but was that the most important thing I needed to teach her right now? No. I still think those things have their benefit but those things could wait. The things we wanted Delores to understand are the things we use everyday. Skills for life. Kindness, compassion, selflessness, understanding, basic math, a love for reading, a freedom to be herself, a love for God, good manners and a respect for other people. We don't need montessori lessons for that. 

Also, Josh pointed out that Montessori had consumed my life. I never wanted a classroom environment or my home to feel like a daycare and, by God, 4 years into this mommy business and that is exactly what my home feels like. I spend my weekends looking for materials, my nights making or getting lessons together and my days planning and researching. I've completely lost sight of the things I enjoy doing and of myself. After this was pointed out to me I realized that while I LOVE montessori it just wasn't for us as a full time homeschooling curriculum. I just can't devote that amount of time to something that isn't for me. It puts too much pressure on me as a mommy and I do not react well to pressure unfortunately.

Fortunatly, I feel like God has led me to another curriculum for Delores that teaches things through reading popular children's book and doing spinoff activities with the theme from the book in mind called "Moving Beyond the Page." It is for 4-5 years olds but Josh and I both decided she was ready for something more advanced and the child can sit and read the looonnngest books without tiring and retain almost everything. This week and last week we read a Dora book we picked up at the library twice a day and today she recited the whole thing to me as if she were reading the book. That is why we decided to go with this curriculum. It isn't available for purchase until July 1st, but I will keep you posted on how it is working out once we get it.

As for Lydia I haven't quite figured out what to do with her lessons. I don't think she would benefit from Delores' curriculum because it is near impossible to get the child to sit through a book and she isn't artsy so she wouldn't get much out of the activities. I still think she would benefit for montessori lessons but my issue is how do I do both at the same time?

I can't figure that out until Delores' curriculum is in my hands and I can see how it works and how much of me is really necessary in the lessons. So, until then we are just taking a break and enjoying the free time we have with one another. 

I still plan to blog periodically about what we've been doing while we are getting adjusted so keep checking back for updates. I hope by August we will be back in full swing with our homeschooling once again. 

Ps: Just for the fun of it, here are some pictures from what we've been doing lately. 


Washing a tea set

Making daddy's Father's Day gift from the girls. 

Enjoying the girl with a thousand expressions. 

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