They get paid to do that stuff and we paid for both the curriculum and the convienance so I've had to learn to stiffle my instinct to supplement with material from the library and worksheets from other sources laying around my house. The result being of course that we were able to get everything done when it was suggested without being stressed. Imagine that!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Just a cat and a dog?
They get paid to do that stuff and we paid for both the curriculum and the convienance so I've had to learn to stiffle my instinct to supplement with material from the library and worksheets from other sources laying around my house. The result being of course that we were able to get everything done when it was suggested without being stressed. Imagine that!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Time for yet another...
With all this extra self time I have now I find my blog posts becoming less and less enthusiastic and less frequent. I'm pretty sure my readers can sense this too because my page views have been dwindling rapidly since we began our new school year.
It isn't that I'm not passionate about homeschooling our girls anymore but, since I don't put as much time and effort into preparing their lessons now, I really don't have much to write about. I'm not as involved so when I do write it is lackluster.
In my post "Changing the Tune," I wrote this exert regarding our decision to change curriculum from Montessori to Moving Beyond the Page:
Josh pointed out that Montessori had consumed my life. I never wanted a classroom environment or my home to feel like a daycare and, by God, 4 years into this mommy business and that is exactly what my home feels like. I spend my weekends looking for materials, my nights making or getting lessons together and my days planning and researching. I've completely lost sight of the things I enjoy doing and of myself. After this was pointed out to me I realized that while I LOVE montessori it just wasn't for us as a full time homeschooling curriculum. I just can't devote that amount of time to something that isn't for me. It puts too much pressure on me as a mommy and I do not react well to pressure unfortunately.
Switching curriculums has not only done wonders for Delores it has also given me the time to self evaluate. Although, I have not fully discovered my self yet I have found that I have much more insight to offer on a ton of different issues besides just homeschooling and many more things that I am passionate about.
For instance, did you know that I can feed a family of 4 for less than $250 for 2 weeks and use no coupons? Or that I love the theater and good art? Or that I despise history pre 1920's (not counting the bible). Or that I love archaeologists type fiction based movies like Indian Jones and The Mummy. Or that I sew, crosstitch, quilt, paint, draw, photograph and design. I love rat rods and the timeless look of red lipstick and pearls. I love the smell of books, diesels, pumpkin, fall, Abercrombie & Fitch and leather. I like reggae, classical, 50's to 90's oldies, Paul Simon, techno, acoustic, Hank Williams jr., jazz and soundtrack music. I like to dance with a partner without music. I love to cook and bake but I suck at doughs. I refuse to pay for something I could make myself. I will eat anything twice. I have dreams to live on a farm, be an interior designer, travel with Josh around the county in an 18 wheeler and tour every continent oversees. I have a colorful past and a wonderful testimony that no one has heard except for Josh. These are just a few things about me that I had forgotten about myself that need to be shared with the world.
There are also just a few things I'd like to rediscover about myself that I used to consider good qualties. I used to be funny and a good listener. Somehow in the bussel of motherhood I forgot how to do those things and I regret that.
With all that being said I'm announcing that it is time for yet another change to this blog. No more only homeschool, but I am vowing to myself, here and now, that I WILL start writing about things I am passionate about. Because afterall, writings without passion are just news reports.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Reading on the horizon
Friday, September 13, 2013
Wrapping up musk oxen
See, Lydia is no where to be found.