Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mountains of art

My girls love to make art with any medium and I encourage it being an artistic person myself, but all that work makes for piles and piles and paper that just lay around for weeks or months (depending on how motivated I am at the time). 

In pursuit for organization I ran across an article in Parenting magazine that suggested you just throw it away after a certain period of time. I just could not imagine doing that. I kept all of Delores' art work from when she was 2 in a binder in chronological order. Looking back through it I can see how much she improved and see how her creativity blossomed over time. That binder is something I will treasure for the rest of my life and hopefully she will treasure it as much as I do when I give it to her.  So for that reason I do not thrown any of their art work away unless it was just some light scribble that didn't look like there was anything on the paper anyway. 

Yesterday I didn't have anything planned to clean during their nap time so I took that opportunity to organized this:

Intimidating huh? This is the instance where I had waited months to tackle this project. After 1 & 1/2 hours of separating paper into each girl's pile, then putting each pile in chronological order, 3 hole punching each paper and finally putting all the papers into their binders, this is what I have now:

Don't you just love that feeling of accomplishment that comes from organization? :)

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